INGMARSON embroidered tops

N1-Embroidery is excited to announce its partnership with INGMARSON to produce their new range of ethically sourced, traceabe, sustainable and eco friendly embroidered tops.

INGMARSON also protetect 25 trees for each sale through OneTribe.

The tops are being produced by N1-EMBROIDERY locally in their studio in London on a modern, low power, 12 needle digital embroidery machine manufactured by Happy Japan. They are being embroidered with fully traceable and sustainable threads which are manufactured in Germany and sourced from the UK.

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By working in partnerhip N1-EMBROIDERY we are able to work together to rapidly turn the artwork for each unique embroidery into beautiful digitized designs and then have the garments produced on demand.”

‟This partnership gets us one step closer to being able to produce our tops with the lowest eco-footprint possible whilist not having to hold costly stock.

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By embroidering locally in London N1-EMBROIDERY can reduce the environmental impact for the production of the tops.

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Tops are available for purchase from INGMARSON and 25 trees will be protected for each sale through OneTribe.

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